Backpacking in Europe...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well, I have returned to France

Bonjour everyone! It has definitely been awhile since I have had a reason to post on this blog. I'm excited to say that I am back in France! I am using a company called Busabout to backpack through the western part of western Europe. I have been in Paris since Monday, and I leave tomorrow to go to Switzerland.

This week has been pretty laid back. I hit up most of the usual spots, including some of my faves from last summer. I have walked through the Marais, walked by the Seine from the Louvre and Tuileries to Notre Dame, gone to some art exhibits at the Hotel de Ville and Centre Pompidou, drank wine in front of the Eiffel Tower with some new friends, and walked around and had dinner in Montmartre. I also went to the Jardin des Plantes for the first time, and while I was there went through the menagerie (zoo). I cant believe I never went there last summer. And of course, I sat in the sun in the luxembourg garden and relaxed. A few nights ago I was able to go to Annick's (our home stay mom from last summer) for dinner, and I met her two new American students. It was great to catch up with her, and the girls and I hit it off immediately; we went to the Eiffel tower tonight!

I'm excited to start the bus tour and meet a bunch of new people. Being here alone hasnt been scary at all like I thought it might. I know Paris so well that I am just at home here and able to go where I want confidently. However, it will be nice to have people to explore all these new cities with. Surprisingly, my French is nearly as good as when I left. I have been able to successfully buy a phone and many other things all in French with no need to resort to English when things get tough, so that is definitely encouraging.

Anyway, it's about time for me to Skype with my parents, so I'm gonna go. It will be harder for me to post pictures this year, as I do not have my actual computer with me. I will however, try to post a lot when I get home. I'll try to keep this updated throughout the month!

Peace and love to you all!
