Backpacking in Europe...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Niangua today and Paris tomorrow!

Well tomorrow is the day. We leave Springfield between 7-8 AM and leave Chicago at 5:30 PM. I'll be reading a book, reading postmodernism assignments, and trying my best to fall asleep on the flight to Paris. That never works well for me, so I'm sure I'll be more than tired on our first day in Paris.

I'm pretty much all packed and ready. I've been spending the day trying to think of anything that I may have forgotten as well as trying to weed out some of the things that I can probably get while I'm there. I have to say, Nicole is packing much more efficiently (apparently), but I'm doing my best!

I'm super excited to see my friends, George and Anna, when I get to Paris. George has been there all semester, and Anna will be stopping by as she backpacks across Europe with some of her other friends.

Despite all my anticipation, I'm having a lovely day in Niangua sitting on the porch with my parents and spending time with the rest of my family. 10 weeks will go by quickly, I'm sure! More updates once we land in Paris!

Au revoir,


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